Tuesday, November 24, 2009

perhaps I need to get out more

Because, yes, I'm blogging about the arrival of an airplane.  I know it's absurd.  But I remembered to take pictures!  And I don't know what to do with them.  A blog post seems like the best answer.

So the biggest airplane in the world came to American Samoa to deliver generators.  There was a lot of airplane talk around ASPA just before its arrival.  Everywhere I went I seemed to hear "I heard it was built to carry a space shuttle!" or "Did you know that it burns X lbs of rubber every time it lands?!"

Naturally, I was curious to see something so big land on our tiny runway.  So I hung out at the end of the runway in order to be directly underneath the beast when it landed.  It was pretty incredible.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Da plane! Da plane!
But really...that's a cool one-I would have blogged about it too.