Sunday, November 29, 2009

Aunu'u is awesome

Aunu'u is a tiny island off the tip of our tiny island.  A group of us headed over because sometimes you just need to get off your usual tiny island and visit another (even smaller) one.  Aunu'u is about 1/2 of a square mile and pretty easy to hike around in a day.  It's also ridiculously beautiful.

Although I think the most important thing to remember about Aunu'u is that when you come to the quicksand lake, you need to step in it.  You should remember to have your children step in it too.  It's the responsible adult thing to do.

Everett cut his foot gallivanting around in the quicksand lake so Keala carried him for a bit.  Simon realized that being carried was a legitimate option so he got in on that too.  Poor Keala had a kid on his shoulders for most of the day.

Again, ridiculously beautiful:


Unknown said...

Thank you for the pictures. I enjoyed it very much. I'm from there and I missed home everyday I'm not there.

Julia said...

Aww thanks! I'm not even from there and I miss AS - so I can only imagine how much I'd miss it if I were. It really is an incredible place.