Thursday, June 1, 2006

after a whole YEAR of kindergarten

Everett:  I feel bigger than a six-year-old.  I feel as big as a ten-year-old!

Monday, May 1, 2006

who's the superhero now?

Simon: I had a dream that grown ups were evil forces and they put me in the garbage. Then I just punched the garbage can and it turned into little pieces and they didn't know I could do that!

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Why yes. Yes, I am.

Me: You're such a sweetheart.

Simon: You're such a mom.

even *I* didn't know that

Everett [to Simon]: Putting on socks is part of being a superhero.  Did you know that?

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

already too big for his britches?

Me:  How did you get to be such a smartypants?  Where did you get those smartypants?

Simon:  I don't know.

Me: Did you get them from me?

Everett: No, he gets them from me after I get too big for them.

I was wondering how that aging thing went down

Everett:  Teenager is when you are in the teens and after the teens you are a very old person and then you always stay a very old person - oh, I mean, grown up.